Monday, January 19, 2009

Starting a new blog

The purpose of this blog is to answer questions about modern science (in particular physics, mathematics, astrophysics, cosmology) and the big philosophical questions about existence, life, creation, the role of supernatural actors, the existence of God, the existence of a design, and so on.

In particular I encourage anybody who has doubts about the compatibility of these concepts and entities (God, supernatural intelligence, design, etc...) with modern science to ask questions here.

This blog has several goals.

1) To help people who believe in God, to clarify their doubts about the compatibility of their faith with modern science

2) To inform people about what science can tell (and what cannot) about fundamental questions, at the present level of established knowledge.

3) To inform people about the main philosophical questions that modern science poses to man, nowadays.

The first goal is clearly apologetic, and I would like this blog to humbly give a service to the communities of believers. In particular to Christian Church(es), to which I belong.
Despite my point of view on Faith, any philosophical discussion here shall be supported by rational and scientific arguments.

I hope this blog will be of your interest and I am passionately engaged to answer your questions.
Thank you for visiting.